世界で擦りむいちゃった鍼灸師〜Sense of view〜

鍼灸師として働きながら、ミシュラン に載ったフレンチでアルバイトしながら、往診にも行きながら、英語も勉強しながら、バイクにも乗りながら貯金しました!そして、豪華客船で働いて大コケしました。色んな失敗や、思った事などを書いていきたいと思います。

Explain about acupuncture needles

Hey guys!!

 I’m going to explain about acupuncture needles this time.

It has some type of needles. It depends where that needles will be used.




They are Japanese needles. This series needles are most painless needles. According to my client, they are the best before I used.

Right side, this is the shortest needle, and finest needle. It’s for treating skin conditions around face. Your cheeks will be smooth and can absorb the moisture easily. I have another needle to treat poor water circulation with electric acupuncture.


Left one and middle one are used body treatment. For stiffness, back pain, knee problems, IBS, insomnia, depression, and so on.


They are antisepsis one by one. They are totally safe, and disposable.


Now a days, acupuncture treatment is spreading all over the world, Japanese style acupuncture is the most gentle and painless acupuncture. If you come to my home town, don’t miss opportunity to have my treatment!!



#Kobe #acupuncture #muscle pain #insomnia #sannomiya #back pain #joint problems #IBS #depression #massage #pain free


Harinabis acupuncture clinic


202-5-11-2 Nakayamatedori Chuoku Kobe Hyogo Japan


神戸市中央区中山手通2-11-5 202