世界で擦りむいちゃった鍼灸師〜Sense of view〜

鍼灸師として働きながら、ミシュラン に載ったフレンチでアルバイトしながら、往診にも行きながら、英語も勉強しながら、バイクにも乗りながら貯金しました!そして、豪華客船で働いて大コケしました。色んな失敗や、思った事などを書いていきたいと思います。

Why you have lower back pain??

Nowadays, so many people are suffering from lower back pain. And most of people focus on only lower back even if acupuncturist and therapists.




This is is a picture of lower back. So, many people think lower back has some joint. It’s true. But this one is not very moving. Actually, our hip joints are very important.





When we bend lower back, it looks bending our lower back joints. Actually our hip joints are bending at the same time. For example 




Take me a look this picture. Hip joints are bending. How about his lower back?? It looks flat right??


If you have some symptoms, it’s very important to focus on your root of problems. 



Let me know if you are suffering from some pain, stiffness. I can help you!!




#神戸 #三ノ宮 #三宮 #元町 #鍼灸 #腰痛 #肩凝り #背中の張り #お灸 #整体 #美容 #美容鍼 #massage #pain #stiffness #low energy





202-5-11-2 Nakayamatedori Chuoku Kobe Hyogo Japan


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